ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) Endeavor is to provide members and guests with opportunities to meet and interact with others involved in oil and gas transactions and to create efficiencies through shared information and ideas.
ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) GET ADAM's (Greater East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) Vehicle for this endeavor is to conduct meetings with the twofold purpose of enhancing business development contact sources and presenting a forum for both member and non-member company presentations and topical discussions directly related to acquiring, divesting or merging oil and gas assets.

ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) GET ADAM (Greater East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) will promote the enjoyment of business relationships through all meetings and social events in East Texas and North Louisiana.
ETX ADAM's Board is:
Ted Walters - Chair
Brian Hudler
Rick Griffin
Todd Upson
Plez Henderson
Chad Rowan