To apply for membership to ETX ADAM please page down and fill out the membership request form below.
On behalf of the ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) I would like to thank you for your continued support and involvement in the Acquisitions, Divestitures and Mergers (ADAM) Energy Forum.
ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) Annual Membership Dues for the next calendar year will be $175.00 per member. There will be no refund if a member is unable to fulfill his/her membership.
Your annual membership dues include the following:
- Semi-monthly meeting
- Networking Social Events
Membership dues do not include the entry fee for the annual ETX ADAM's (East Texas - Acquisition, Divestitures and Mergers) Golf Tournament or the Annual Sporting Clay Tournament. ETX ADAM administrator has the right to revoke memberships due to missed annual dues after 60 days.
The monthly luncheon meetings are held at Willow Brook Country Club in Tyler, TX on the first Wednesday on even month.
We request that reservations for the monthly luncheons are made no later than the Monday preceding the meeting you are planning to attend. Reservations may be made by visiting our Reservations page and filling out the online Reservation Form.
Members may invite guests to the luncheon for $30.00 per guest, payable by check or cash. Checks should be made payable to East Texas ADAM and mailed in time to arrive prior to the day of the luncheon, to:
East Texas ADAM
P.O. Box 8082
Tyler, Texas 75711
We announce each event via email to each member who has provided an email address. If for some reason you are not receiving the email announcements you may send an email to [email protected] . As an alternative, please feel free to keep in touch with ETX ADAM activities by checking the Calendar page on the website.